Monday, November 2, 2009

Golfing at Maylands on a Sunday with my sons and friends 31 October 2009

My son Jazton, Eduard, myself and Bui. Photo taken by Tyzton , my youngest son.

It was a beautiful Sunday. Those who had to go to church would have gone and had lunch. For me, I was at the course with my sons and my friends. Ed and Bui are friends who play badminton and who have been converted by myself to the crazy game of golf.

Both are finding their feet, while my sons Jaz and Tyz have great potential but are a bit too lazy and uncommitted. Gee, if I had my dad supporting me in golf at their age, I might have been a Tiger Tan :)

Anyway, we only had time to play 9 holes. I managed to play to 46 which I thought was pretty good. All was going well and I had 4 pars. It was at the 7th hole where my ego took over my common sense. I had been using a 3 wood all along. When I saw the low scores, I told myself, let's get out the driver and blast this game. Bad mistake, it went to the right of the fairway to the bush leading me to a triple bogey.

How does one tame one's ego and just use a safe club. That is the lesson to be learnt. Bui and Ed did not do very well as they are finding their feet. Jaz was quietly achieving bogeys and double bogeys. He has potential and I have to work on him.

Tyz tried a few chips and putts but lost interest. I wish he would embrace the game as he has such great potential.

I believe I can easily break 100 each time I play if I park my ego with my Audi Q7 at the carpark.

Here's to the next game.

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